Pets for Vets Northern Delaware placed Louie with Alfred, a Cargo Specialist in the Air Force from 1981 until 1986. Louie, a black Labrador mix, loves to take his time on walks, checking out the sights, sounds and smells, and has quickly become Alfred’s “best friend!” Louie is a quiet dog, rarely barking, loves people of all ages and especially loves being physically close to Alfred. Louie, selected from a local shelter, had a wonderful temperament but skin issues. After several weeks of special food and medical treatment, Louie was in perfect health with a beautiful coat and ready to be matched with Alfred. Alfred said, “I have met many people at home because of Louie, everyone thinks he's beautiful and such a good dog, so they come and ask about him and pet him. He loves the attention. I am so grateful and happy that you matched us together, wherever I go, he is 2 steps behind me or sits right underneath me or in his line of sight.” Pets for Vets, Northern Delaware continues to support Alfred and Louie and thanks Alfred for his service!