A Pets For Vets Match Story

Bob and Luna

Bob served as a Marine, Private First Class for 11 years. He was sent to Vietnam in 1958 and returned to the States in in 1969. Bob served both in Vietnam and Cambodia. Even now, Bob is still startled by loud noises and continues to have nightmares. He suffers from PTSD and reactivity.

We first matched Bob with Maggie, who became his best friend. Unfortunately she was diagnosed with cancer and passed on. Without her by his side, he struggled to go out in public and in large crowds. He reached back out to Pets for Vets® to see if we could help him find another dog.

In comes Luna, a female golden retriever rescued from a home in Maine where she was neglected. Even though she is approximately 6 years old, she needed to learn how to go to the bathroom outside and how to walk on a leash. After spending most of her life in a crate, our trainer worked with her to get healthy and comfortable in new environments.
The smile has not left Bob’s face since he was matched with Luna. She is a social dog who loves spending time with him. She enjoys playing fetch and running off leash, but she keeps her eyes on Bob and is always by his side.

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