A Pets For Vets Match Story

Meet Knack

This handsome pup was found at the Tehama shelter in Red Bluff by Stacy, a Pets for Vets volunteer trainer.

Her veteran wanted a dog he could take everywhere he went, who would get along with his goats and wouldn’t chase his chickens.

A few weeks into his training Stacy realized why Knack, named by his veteran, probably ended up at the shelter. It seems that Knack did not like being alone and had some serious separation anxiety. Knack was lucky that Stacy chose him, because she could look past his issues and see his potential.

For the next month she rarely left home and only for short periods of time to help Knack gain self confidence. Stacy’s patience and dedication were the key to Knack overcoming his issues.

Once Knack realized that Stacy would always come home, he became more comfortable and soon this sweet and more relaxed boy was ready to meet his navy veteran. Today Knack and his veteran are rarely separated as they cruise around town, with Knack riding shotgun of course.

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