A Pets For Vets Match Story

Luke and Samson

You would think that a dog is just a dog. That may be true for some, but not me.

Before Samson, I was living in fear. Scared of things of the past, present and even future. You see, I lived in the past and thought that hate, death and sorrow were going to be my future.

I knew of a "dog's love" but even that was taken away from me, like my best friend in Iraq. I thought that I could never make that bond again nor did I really want that bond because it would diminish the past death of a dog but Samson taught me it was okay to love again.

I used to sit at home alone and just let life pass me by but now I have a reason to get up. Even if it's feeding Samson or taking him for walks he has motivated me to live again.

So, you may ask yourself if Pets for Vets is something worthwhile and all I can say is: my dog has made me want to live and fight. Fight for my daughter, Fight for Life, and Fight for the very freedom that I risked my life for.

Luke Douglas

Update from Luke:

So, this story starts off with how irresponsible I was the other night, which is how most funny stories usually start off. Well, my friend downloaded American Sniper onto a flash drive for me and so Wednesday night (late) I decided to watch it. Bad idea.

Well, with that being said, I went to bed that night and slept horribly. I'm gonna stop right there for now and say this: usually when I have nightmares Samson wakes me by kicking me or nudging me until I'm awake.

Well, back to Wednesday night. I guess Samson tried the usual tricks and they didn't work because the next thing I know I hear a noise. Samson had gotten his squeaker toy and started to squeak it next to my ear to wake me up.

I asked him what he was doing and if he needed to go potty. He leaned over the bed and dropped the toy and then went back to the foot of the bed laid back down and went straight back to sleep.

The only thing I could think of is that his kicking made me think that I was in an explosion in my dream. But I laid in bed and laughed for a good couple of minutes and slept fine the rest of the night. I thought you'd get a kick of Samson using his toy in an alternative method.

Second update from Luke:

So, most people would be thrilled that their dog is trained not to poop and pee in the house, beg for food, chew things up or any sorts of things which I am thankful that Samson is trained not to do.

However, this e-mail is about another task that is far more important! You see, we go for our walks at 3:30 in the mornings when I first get up and it's still nice and cool out. Hence, I first get up, I'm still tired and don't feel like chasing a dog around the neighborhood if he got free.

Well, at 3:30 a.m. there are creatures out called Bunny Rabbits that Samson LOVES to chase and without this simple phrase, "LEAVE IT," I'm afraid I too would be chasing these Bunny Rabbits.

So, I would like to say THANK YOU for teaching both of us this lovely phrase. Hope you have a Happy Mother's Day.

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