A Pets For Vets Match Story

Mark and Barker

Pets for Vets was asked to take care of veteran Mark’s dog, Barker, while Mark was being treated at the VA Long Beach. Mark was terrified that he would lose his best friend. Pets for Vets helped by relocating Barker to the Kennel Club LAX, which provided Barker a welcoming place to stay at a reduced price. Pets for Vets also assisted with making arrangements for Barker to fly with Mark to Hawaii to live with his family. We are glad this story had a happy ending.

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The NYC-Long Island chapter of Pets for Vets recently welcomed two new members to its family. U.S. A...

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Albert and Robo Dog

Albert Merkley received his robo dog in November 2019. His caregiver said he was so excited, he even...

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