A Pets For Vets Match Story

Rich and Ozzy

Dear Pets for Vets,

I’d like to thank you for finding me my new friend Ozzy. Ozzy is a terrier mix with lots of energy, but he is well mannered with lots of affection and love. Ozzy arrived at my house in mid-December with his Pets for Vets trainer Toni. He came to me at the perfect time. I was wounded in Iraq on December 21st and spent eight long months at Walter Reed recovering from my injuries. This is the time of year when I need a Companion to be around me and keep me busy. Ozzy is the perfect dog for that. He always wants to play or just be around me and anytime I need him he’s there for me. Ozzy has made my life better and I can’t wait for the weather to get better and take him out on the trail.  


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