A Pets For Vets Match Story

Blade and DD

Blade Antony served as a medic in the Marine Corp. During his tour it was his job to save the lives of his brothers and sisters-in-arms. When he returned home from Iraq, he found himself feeling alone, out of place, angry at people who did not seem to understand, suffering from PTSD, nightmares and on the verge of committing suicide. Now it was his life that needed saving. As Blade says, it was a miracle that led him to Pets for Vets or he would have become just another statistic. Pets for Vets founder, Clarissa Black, felt an instant connection with Blade and began the search for his perfect companion. A dog that would be by his side, comfort him when he felt alone, be goofy to take his mind off the thoughts that raged in his head, keep him company after nightmares and potentially wake him up during those nightmares that had not allowed him a full night’s sleep in over three years.

After a long search for just the right match, Pets for Vets met DD, a wonderful Pitt Bull/Labrador mix who was rescued by Animal Advocates Alliance. She had been abandoned herself and suffered from a terrible case of mange causing her to lose most of her fur. She was nursed back to full health and Pets for Vets knew she was the dog that would help to heal Blade.

DD excelled at her training program and was even taught a specialized nightmare training protocol by Pets for Vets partner, I Said Sit and Jonathan Klein.

The day that Blade met DD for the first time was nothing short of a miracle. Everyone who was present could feel a sense of calm and ease come over Blade as soon as he touched DD. It was truly palpable! Almost instantly Blade curled up with DD on her bed, each one holding the others “hand”.

Update: DD and Blade are inseparable! Blade no longer loses sleep over nightmares because he no longer has any. He credits this to his Pets for Vets dog, DD. “DD and Pets for Vets saved my life. More U.S. soldiers die by their own hands after returning home than are killed in conflict” Blade says.

Thank you, Blade, for risking your life serving our country. We are honored to count you as a friend!

Thank you to our friends at Explore.org for making this match possible.

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