A Pets For Vets Match Story

Chris and Cora

My name is Cora, you guys got me ready for my new girl, Chris, a couple of weeks ago. I was a little confused and somewhat scared because my last people didn't care for me very much, but now I understand what all of that was about - Chris needs me, and boy am I happy that someone finally does.

You came to see me earlier this week and I was on pins and needles waiting to see if Chris wanted me to stay with her. I've got to say I've never been happier or more proud of myself when she said yes and signed the papers.

Now I can relax and have fun while still taking care of Chris and her big family and of course my whole back yard!! It's big job, but not too big, and I know it's all mine.

The only thing I'm not too sure about is the stinky cats out there, Baby and Tiger, they don't bother me too much but why do they have to sniff me EVERY time I go out to inspect my yard? Anyway, just wanted to let you all know I'm doing well - have to go get my bath!!!

Love and thank you!
Corazon & Chris - Navy

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