A Pets For Vets Match Story

Lyle and Marley

Meet Lyle and Miss Marley. Lyle is a veteran of Vietnam. For his brave service to our country, he was awarded the Purple Heart and a Silver Star. Lyle would be the first to tell you that he has many blessings in his life: a lovely home in Texas and a wonderful wife. However, even after all these years, Lyle remains plagued by nightmares and terrible memories of the war in Vietnam.

Lyle went over to Vietnam in 1968 when he was only 19 years old. Lyle was forever changed by some of the things he saw and experienced during the war. When Lyle finally returned, he was not welcomed home by his fellow citizens. Lyle suffered from depression and PTSD.

Some Vietnam vets, like Lyle, have the feeling that the world has moved on and forgotten their sacrifices. However, Lyle’s life changed when Marley, a beautiful female chocolate lab, was presented to him by Pets for Vets. As you can see by the smiles on their faces, both Lyle and Marley are now best friends.

Read Lyle’s note to Pets for Vets about his dog Marley:

I am really in a loss for what to say. It is amazing … even unbelievable what Pets for Vets does to put a desire for life back into folks like me. Having to live everyday of our lives fighting to put the dark thoughts of memories, experiences and the errors of our youth aside just to survive.

I can best say what I feel in writing rather than words, you and all the others will never know or begin to understand the gratitude, renewed glimmer of the good in people and knowing someone really does care / appreciate what others and I tried to do to protect and serve our beloved country ….. preserve out most precious Republic. Just to see that wonderful dog and know all you’ll have done for a burnt out old Vet, ignites feelings in me I thought were gone forever.

This has given me hope for the survival of recognition by our countrymen / women for all the names on that black wall that represent the ones I know and the young men that the only thing left of them is that name etched on a wall. I pray everyday of my life, we never forget. Thank you is never sufficient to express what I feel. May God bless you all.

SSG Lyle Green
1st. Inf. Division
Republic of South Vietnam

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