A Pets For Vets Match Story

Chad and Knox

The story begins with Chad, a 30-something Veteran, living in the countryside of rural central Wisconsin. Chad lives with his wife, 5 year old boy and baby, very much missing his German Shepherd companion of 12 years who is no longer with the family.

Chad would love a companion, a big gentle calm companion, to sit at his feet, walk the fields with him and be a watchful presence over his family when he is at work. Oh, and preferably a German Shepherd.
When the Pets for Vets trainer met and interviewed Chad, she found a gentle Veteran and a busy young family with a desire in their hearts (and space in their home) for a canine companion.

The story of Knox begins as a stray in Kentucky (perhaps, hence the name “Fort Knox”). From a rescue in Kentucky he was transferred to a rescue in the North Chicago area and then to Wisconsin.  After searching for five months, our trainer had found the perfect companion for Chad.  Knox was a natural and within two days he was a pro with door manners, greeting ANYONE, riding calmly in the car, allowing hands in his food, in his mouth and all over his feet. He showed no fear of noises from vacuum cleaners to duck hunters, from sonic booms to sirens. He was calm with other dogs and calm in a (giant) crate. After all, a dog weighing 94 pounds needs a big crate.  After passing his Pets for Vets training, it was time to go “home.”

On a dreary day in October, Chad was waiting for Knox. The trainer opened the car door and handed Chad Knox’s leash. This quiet Veteran greeted, petted and talked to Knox. He introduced Knox to his wife and sons. Knox wagged his tail and fairly oozed contentment at all the attention. The whole time on the house tour he managed his big body with grace. The Veteran’s wife was tearful with happiness (so was the trainer).

Knox fits seamlessly into Chad’s family’s life. He sits by the baby when the baby is crying, comes when called from across the big yard, and tolerates a cat in his crate. Best of all, when the Veteran comes home, Knox becomes his companion and sits at his feet. Knox has his forever family. Veteran Chad, whom we thank for his service, has his forever dog.

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